My Traditional Acupuncture sessions focus on restoring balance and alleviating various ailments like pain, anxiety, and digestive issues. By stimulating specific points on the body, acupuncture promotes natural healing, reduces inflammation, and improves your overall well-being. This ancient practice is known for treating not only physical conditions but also emotional stress, leaving you feeling balanced and refreshed. The 90-minute initial session is designed for a comprehensive assessment, followed by tailored follow-up treatments.
75 minutes Initial $180.00
55 minutes Follow up $ 120.00
Facial acupuncture has many benefits for those who want to revitalize the look of their skin. It builds collagen, tones muscles, improves circulation, and stimulated blood flow without the risk of infections or toxic buildup of chemicals. Facial acupuncture uses a holistic approach by addressing the entire body by rebalancing organ systems, increase blood circulation, and decrease pain and inflammation. Acupuncture helps improve sleep, digestion, anxiety, hormone imbalances - and so much more. I begin acupuncture on the body to address underlying imbalances, then I continue with facial acupuncture using very thin needles designed for the face.
90 minutes facial $225.00
60 minutes facial $180.00
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture include facial cupping, jade rollers or Gua sha and Celluma LED light therapy.
Facial cups that are designed for the face. After applying a special cupping oil, the small cup glides over the face and then down to the neck to drain lymphatic fluid and stimulate blood flow. Facial cupping helps to bring collagen to the surface, reduce puffiness & dark circles around the eyes, and drain nasal sinuses. Conditions such as TMJ and sinus pressure are also relieved. By increasing local blood supply, nourishment is restored to the muscles and skin allowing toxins to be carried alway through the veins and the lymphatic system. Facial rejuvenation cupping is painless and is safe to apply on rosacea, melanoma or sensitive skin.
30 Minute Fire Cupping $75.00
Gua sha will nourish the skin, minimize lines and wrinkles, increase blood circulation, improve skin tone, and drain lymphatic drainage. The Gua Sha tool flushes away the toxic elements resulting in brighter skin. Gua Sha and the Jade roller are simian because they are used to massage and stimulate the face.
LED stands for light-emitting diode. Nasa originally developed LED lights for plant growth experiments in space. Since then, LEDs have shown promising results in wound healing and human tissue growth. Different wavelengths of light in LED lights, include blue and red, penetrate the skin at different depths. This penetration may trigger biologic processes that help the skin rejuvenate and heal.
The blue LED light is believed to reduce the activity in the sebaceous glands, which are small oil-producing glands in the skin. This reduction in activity causes the glands to produce less oil, possible improving acne symptoms. The blue LED light may also kill a type of bacteria (known as Propionibacterium ances) that contributes to acne which can cause inflammation. The result is less oil in the skin, less bacteria and less inflammation, leading to a resolution of acne in the treated area.
The red LED light improves scarring and signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. It may achieve this by acting on fibroblasts, which are skin cells that are responsible for collagen production. Collagen is a protein in the skin and other connective tissues. It plays a role in skin healing. The body produces less collagen as we age, which causes the sink to show signs of aging. Red light also reduces skin inflammation.Several treatments are necessary to see results.
Celluma LED light therapy can help treat a variety of skin problems, including: Acne, dermatitis, dull skin, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, wrinkles and age spots, sun damage, and other inflammatory skin conditions. LED light therapy is safe. The procedure is noninvasive and does not cause burning or pain.
Face & Neck - stimulates collagen, improves texture and overall appearance, minimizes pores, reduces scars, increases blood flow, and brings nutrients to the surface of the skin. The treatment starts with cleansing, gentle exfoliation, numbing cream, then the application of serums along with the micro-needling, a biocelldlar mask the delivers hydration and nourishment with holistic botanical and skin-plumping peptides to help brighten and from the skin. Celluma LED light therapy is then applied to build collagen production and to reduce any inflammation. After micro-needling, your skin will be rosy, and by the next morning your skin will be glowing. An aftercare serum will be given to protect and hydrate the skin
90 minutes Treatment $375.00
As a functional nutrition counselor, I focus on root-cause resolution. By aiming to get to the underlying cause of the chief complaint or issue, we (you and I) will likely discover “what’s really going on in there.”
In order to uncover the true and unique root causes of your issue, we will go on a journey together to address the following;
I like to meet you right where you are - working out a step by step process. It can be overwhelming at times, but by looking at the diet, lifestyle, choices and completing the full health history intake form, we can zoom in a little to discover the framework to work with and to correct the imbalances. No matter how complicated a case may be, I always start with digestion (as most health issues point back to digestion).
We may not have all the answers at the start, but while addressing the chief complaint, I use clinical wellness tools such as a daily record of food intake, systems survey, blood sugar handling and toxicity questionnaires to track contributing factors.
The Microbiome Stool tests is a good tool to measure microorganisms (both beneficial and pathogenic species), and the diversity of your microbiome as well. As we all know, our gut health plays a huge role on our immunity.
Complete lab tests and hair analysis are also good tools to use in order to rule things out and to get more clarity on the interior terrain.
While working through whole body systems, I treat the whole person and the individual. We are all different and our healing path with also be uniquely our own.
1224 East Green Street Unit 100, Pasadena, California 91106